PASS Survey (Pupils’ Attitude to Self and School)

PASS Survey  (Pupils’ Attitude to Self and School).
Schools know what pupils can do and cannot do, and they are constantly testing them on academic work. However only concerned schools take the time and effort to find out how pupils are feeling about themselves and their school. Only by knowing this, can real progress towards higher academic results and character development be made.
AMS conducted this survey with all the pupils from Y2 – Y12. The results have given us a great deal of information to work with. As a school over 80% of the pupils feel very good about the school and only 5% have negative feelings towards their time at school. We now know who these 5% are and what they are feeling. We will be working closely with them to find out why they feel this way. Once we know the answer to this question we can take remedial action to help them feel more positive and then they will progress more comfortably.
One thing is clear. Negativity about the school (particularly in young pupils) comes from the home. They hear negative comments and they absorb them and bring them to school. Parents need to be fully aware of the impact on their children of things that are said at home and posted on social media. A young pupil with negative thoughts has an immediate block to learning at school. The survey shows that some brothers and sisters have the same blockage to learning. That is something coming from home, and parents need to reflect what their children hear and feel from their parents about school.
On an individual level, there are significant number of pupils who have a low feeling of self-worth and ability to do school work. This feeling can be created by fellow pupils making them feel low, teachers not recognising their feeling, and the home not boosting their self-belief. 
We at school will be introducing approaches to encourage and support all pupils and not allow others to influence their self belief. It is equally important that home life supports all pupils. Our philosophy has to be that it is not a failure to fall down, it is a failure not to get back up again. Pupils should not feel a failure because some results may be low. They should be supported and encouraged to make sure next time is better. 
With the results of this PASS survey the management and staff can see what needs to be done with all pupils with some additional support to others on a personal feelings aspect as well as academic grades. We will be implementing strategies to make sure all pupils have an equal opportunity to perform well at school.  
We thank you for your continued support