Code of Conduct

Al Mustaqbal School

Code of Conduct/School Rules

Good behaviour and discipline are key foundations for good education.   Without an orderly atmosphere, good learning and teaching cannot take place.   We expect and insist on the highest standards of behaviour throughout our school.

Courtesy, good manners and consideration for others, together with self-discipline and a proper respect for authority are encouraged at all times and are essential if we are to make our school a truly caring community.

Rules are essential for the benefit of all in any community and we try to keep these as simple as possible, but we do expect them to be kept.

  1. Students are expected to follow all reasonable instructions given by an authorised adult in charge.   This may be a teacher, Learning Support Assistant, member of the Administration staff, parent volunteer or visiting teacher.
  2. Students must wear the correct school uniform, including shoes.  The uniform is available from the school’s uniform shop and students are not allowed to wear anything that appears ‘similar’.   Trainer type shoes are not permitted except in PE lessons or other sporting activities.   Students arriving to school incorrectly dressed may not be allowed to enter class until they have the correct uniform.
  3. During PE or other sporting activities, the school’s sports uniform must be worn.
  4. Students may not wear any type of hat inside the school buildings
  5. Students may wear a watch, a signet ring and one pair of small stud earrings without stones.   No other jewellery is permitted in school and students will be asked to remove any item that does not conform to the guidelines.
  6. No make-up of any kind is allowed to be worn in school.   Students wearing make-up will be asked to remove it before attending class.   Nail varnish and false nails are not permitted.
  7. In science lessons and when otherwise requested by the teacher, long hair must be tied back as a health and safety measure.
  8. Students are not permitted to use cell phones on site.   In general students should not bring cell phones to school unless absolutely essential.   In this case they should be switched off before entering the school site and kept in the student’s bag until they leave the school site at the end of the day.   Parents wishing to communicate with their son/daughter can telephone the school office to leave a message and a student wishing to contact their parents during the school day can asked reception to pass a message.
  9. The taking of photographs in the school is expressly forbidden unless written permission is sought from and given by the Director of Education or School Principal.   Any photographs taken on the school site and/or of school activities offsite remain the property of the school and may not be published in any form without the express permission of the Director of Education or School Principal.
  10. Birthday parties for students or staff are not permitted without the permission of the relevant Head of School.
  11. Verbal or physical violence and any form of bullying is expressly forbidden and will result in immediate disciplinary action according to the school’s Behaviour Policy.
  12. Students should not remain within the school buildings during breaks or at the end of the day without the permission of a teacher or other member of the school staff.
  13. Students may not go to the school counsellor during lessons without written permission and/or an appointment.
  14. Students are expected to be on the school site by 7.50am daily.   The school gates will be locked at 8.15am and students arriving after that time will need to report to the main reception before joining their class.   Persistent lateness will result in disciplinary action under the school’s Behaviour Policy.
  15. No student may leave the school site during normal school hours without written permission from the Director of Education or under the supervision of a parent.   Failure to observe this rule will result in disciplinary action under the school’s Behaviour Policy.