Lower School


The Lower school at AMS (Grades 1-3) works closely with the middle and secondary schools to implement the school’s vision. Our aim is to provide all possible opportunities for learners to be knowledgeable, risk takers, principled and communicators to enable them to become future leaders and lead the needed change in their communities.

The programme of study

At AMS primary school we offer an advanced and strong bilingual curriculum which enables learners to become reflective and responsible of their own learning.  

The curriculum follows the Cambridge International Examination Board teaching English Science Mathematics IT Music Art and PE.

Alongside this is the Palestinian curriculum of Arabic Islamic Studies and Social Studies

We also work to meet the needs of all students through implementing different reading strategies through Razkids, literature circles and guided reading to develop readers that can work collaboratively in large and small groups to improve their critical thinking skills and love of reading.

We also have the Arabic equivalent of Razkids to develop reading in Arabic